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Painting of women drinking coffee by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Preview 2025

Exhibitions: Preview 2025

Performance People


One of the fundamental concepts of the Skulptur Projekte, held every ten years, is the creation of the transitory and non-durable. In particular, works of art from the last three editions of Skulptur Projekte have evinced an increasing interest in the human body as an artistic material, along with participation of the public. For the exhibition, the Skulptur Projekte Archives open their files and depots and demonstrate how sculpture can be expanded, brought to life and performed.


Poster for Performance People

Faszination Lack – Kunst aus Asien und Europa


With the exhibition “Faszination Lack – Kunst aus Asien und Europa”, the LWL Museum of Art and Culture is presenting selected lacquer objects from the collection it received from BASF Coatings in Münster in 2023. The show focuses on the export lacquers that have been produced in Asia for the European market since the late 16th century. They build a bridge between the cultures of East Asia and Europe and are impressive testimonies to the earliest connections between the Far Eastern and Western worlds.   

After an introduction to the production and processing of Asian lacquer, the exhibition traces an arc from the earliest examples of Chinese lacquer art to the mother-of-pearl and gold-spread lacquers of Korea and Japan and focuses on the export lacquers produced for the West. The special exhibition then goes on to show how Europeans attempted to imitate what was for them a foreign and at the same time extremely fascinating material. Following examples of European lacquer production in the 18th and 19th centuries, the show ends with exhibits of contemporary lacquer art from Asia and Europe.

Paar Kutschenpaneele, Mitte 18. Jahrhundert, Frankreich, 1985

Bürger sammeln für Westfalen. 200 Jahre Altertumsverein


Since 1824/25, the Paderborn and Münster sections of the Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens have been looking after the historical heritage of Westphalia. It was citizens who collected, secured and showcased cultural assets here. The “antiquities”, cultural-historical and regional objects of all kinds, reflected Westphalian identity.

The anniversary exhibition presents the two association collections in all their diversity.

Old man points at a painting

Kirchner. Picasso


Pablo Picasso and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner are among the most important representatives of modernism. In a juxtaposition, the exhibition is dedicated to the hitherto neglected research question of connections and differences between the works of these exceptional artists. It focuses on themes that played a special role for both artists. These include motifs such as portraits, depictions of bathers and entertainment culture.



Colorful painting by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, depicting two hikers in the alps.