Performance People. An Exhibition From the Skulptur Projekte Archive
14 December to 14 April 2026
Creating the transitory and non-durable is one of the fundamental concepts that typifi es the Skulptur Projekte every ten years. The coming together of people and art in public spaces has been at the fore since the very fi rst exhibition in 1977. In particular, works of art from the last three editions of Skulptur Projekte have evinced an increasing interest in the human body as an artistic material, along with participation of the public. In addition to performances, works were also created in which people could interact, cooperate, and collaborate – visitors were allowed to actively take part or watch others. Involving people as active participants questions the status of the object and, within the artwork, reformulates the relationships between people and entities.
With archival records, documents, models, and works by:
Ei Arakawa, Guy Ben-Ner, Jeremy Deller, Ayşe Erkmen, Dora García, Jeff Geys, Dan Graham, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, David Hammons, Mike Kelley, Zauri Matikashvili, Tobias Rehberger, Xavier Le Roy/Scarlet Yu, Bruce Nauman, Maria Pask, Allen Ruppersberg, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Andreas Slominski, Bert Theis, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Oscar Tuazon, Elin Wikström / Anna Brag
Curated by Jana Bernhardt & Marianne Wagner
Curatorial assistance: Kiana Tellen
The purchase of Ei Arakawa's work was made possible by the generous support of Freunde des Museums für Kunst und Kultur Münster e. V.
13.12.24, 6.30 p.m.: Opening on Long Friday
Skulptur Projekte TV: Das Große Flimmern
From 6 p.m., Foyer
Curator's Talk with Jana Bernhardt und Marianne Wagner
7.30 p.m., Atrium
15.01.2025, 7 pm, Auditorium
Film screening with introduction
Exhibition tours
Every first Saturday of the month, 3 – 4 pm
Every second Friday of the month, 7.15 – 8.15 pm
Curator's tour
Dates: 12.2.25, 21.5.25, 20.8.25 and 26.11.25
Meeting point: 4.30 - 5.30 pm, foyer